Sudah lewat beberapa bulan sejak saya memikirkan kata pertama apa yang harus saya tuliskan dilembar pertama blog saya. Saya sudah tau mau menuliskan tentang apa. Kalimat pertamanya berkali-kali sudah tertata namun kemudian saya hapus lagi. Untung saja, menulisnya tidak pakai tulis tangan –otherwise it will be a very dirty writings.
Anyway, here goes. The idea of blogging came from a friend –her name is Izzah. Actually several friends before Izzah have been telling me that blogging is fun. But Izzah was the one persistently persuade me to blog. Besides encouraging me to make my own blog, she keeps on asking me to visit her blog and demand reviews afterwards. This is what she used to say “mbak, menurutmu tulisanku yang ini bagaimana?” or “mbak, sudah baca tulisanku yang ini?” Those kinds of questions, kinda, forced me to visit her blog and read her writings. One evening, while I ready to shut down my computer, I suddenly remember this girl and her never ending enthusiasm in blogging. I then googled her name “Attiyatul Izzah”, several sites came up, from there I know that this girl have been signing up in more than one blog sites. One very enthusiasts writer. After entering several sites, I finally found her active blog sites; it called ‘musium cerita izzah’. From the blog title, you can see that she is one big story teller. She loves to tell stories, and she presents her ideas, opinions, and arguments in form of stories. It was very interesting readings, well written. At that time, I spent more than an hour reading her writings, her stories in the ‘musium cerita’.
This several months I have been intensely interacting with her, due to the office work that we’ve involve in. Her enthusiasm and passion in writing, and her consistent reminder for me to start blogging, seems pays off. I start to create my own blog, and this time I made a commitment to myself that I would not abandon the blog –like several previous ones I create.
Hah, here it is, my first posting. And this is for you Izzah *grin*